Friday, March 28, 2008

7 Eleven for the Finest in Fusion

I remember laughing as the server rattled off the made up appetizers in the movie Office Space. Pizza Shooters? No thank you. But they were fake, so it was funny.

Here's some culinary fusion gone too far. It's hanging on a sign outside the 7-Eleven. "Asian Rollers and Big Gulp- $1.99" Are they serious? Is that supposed to attract customers?

I'm a nerd, so I went to their website to try link to the offer. It gets even better. Here's their new offer. Wake Up And Smell The Slurpee®! 7-Eleven® Debuts Slurpuccino™ – First Coffee-Flavored Slurpee Drink

The Slurpuccino? Really? It that supposed to bring about pleasant thoughts? Because all I can picture is some obnoxious person slurping their latte in the seat next to me at Starbucks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

EEeeeeww!! They're trying a bit too hard. Coffee should NOT be served in the shape of a tube out of a pump, I agree.