I grew up with Uncle Mike & Auntie Kay, Mamops & Popops, Gramma & Grampa Popps, Grandma Emily & Grandpa Frank..to name a few. Family that's not family, but they're, well, family. They truly loved my sisters and I, and we knew it.
Eli and Beckett are surely blessed by the love of family. We have some "adopted" family too. I'm so grateful for the way they love our children, for their wisdom and experience, and for the wonderful fact that somehow, we might be a blessing to them too.
Nonna, Mike and Katie, Miss Alice, David and Mona- just to name a few. And boy, we're pretty excited the Maples. Grownups might call them Kim and Rusty, but Eli calls them
Maple and
Mr. Maple.
Maple is fun, adventurous, affectionate, generous, kind, creative, and wise. Eli recounts their adventures often, recites her special emails to him, and prays for Maple.
Here's Eli and Maple at The Butterfly House...
at the Zoo, riding the train...
AND the Carousel...twice!
Making some yummy Christmas treats...
... playing in their yard
I think it's just the beginning of
Adventures with Maple.